Auswirkung von Radioaktivität auf Bäume (2)

Quelle: Hier klicken (SpringerLink)

Studie: Tree rings reveal extent of exposure to ionizing radiation in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris

Die Studie zeigt einerseits, dass Radioaktivität eine Auswirkung auf das Wachstum von Bäumen hat (betroffene Pflanzen haben ein geringeres Wachstum) sowie, dass sich das Aussehen der Bäume verändert. An den Stämmen lässt sich an der orangenen Farbe erkennen, ab wann die Bäume erhöhter Radioaktivität ausgesetzt waren. Ein Auszug aus der Studie:

„Mean growth rate was severely depressed and more variable in 1987-1989 and several other subsequent years, following the nuclear accident in April 1986 compared to the situation before 1986. The higher frequency of years with poor growth after 1986 was not caused by elevated temperature, drought or their interactions with background radiation. Elevated temperatures suppressed individual growth rates in particular years. Finally, the negative effects of radioactive contaminants were particularly pronounced in smaller trees. These findings suggest that radiation has suppressed growth rates of pines in Chernobyl, and that radiation interacts with other environmental factors and phenotypic traits of plants to influence their growth trajectories in complex ways.“ (Zitat Ende)

The change in wood colour in these Scots pine logs indicates the year of the accident. Quelle: BBC (Rechte bei Mousseau)

Bildquelle: Hier klicken (BBC, Rechte liegen bei Mousseau)


Tree growth has been hypothesized to provide a reliable indicator of the state of the external environment. Elevated levels of background ionizing radiation may impair growth trajectories of trees by reducing the annual growth. Such effects of radiation may depend on the individual phenotype and interact with other environmental factors such as temperature and drought. We used standardized growth rates of 105 Scots pine Pinus sylvestris located near Chernobyl, Ukraine, varying in the level of background radiation by almost a factor 700. Mean growth rate was severely depressed and more variable in 1987–1989 and several other subsequent years, following the nuclear accident in April 1986 compared to the situation before 1986. The higher frequency of years with poor growth after 1986 was not caused by elevated temperature, drought or their interactions with background radiation. Elevated temperatures suppressed individual growth rates in particular years. Finally, the negative effects of radioactive contaminants were particularly pronounced in smaller trees. These findings suggest that radiation has suppressed growth rates of pines in Chernobyl, and that radiation interacts with other environmental factors and phenotypic traits of plants to influence their growth trajectories in complex ways.“ (Zitat Ende)

In einer Nussschale: Ein weiterer morphologischer Unterschied lässt sich an der Färbung des Stammes erkennen. Eine Studie zeigt außerdem, dass die Bäume schlechter wachsen.

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